Workshop Facilitation

Collaborative brainstorming sessions to help your board, leadership team, or staff, prioritize innovation, embrace new ideas, and collaborate more freely

What you Want-

  • We want our next board meeting, team meeting, strategic planning session, or annual offsite to be more exciting, engaging, collaborative, and to produce more ideas.

  • We want to challenge our leadership team and/or our staff to think more ambitiously, more outside-of-the-box, and to feel empowered to pursue big ideas.

  • We want to increase collaboration and the open sharing of ideas. We want people excited to work together.

What we offer-

A 2-4 hour session starting with a speech called Innovation Leadership. The facilitator will then lead attendees through collaborative brainstorming exercises, in which attendees will apply principles from the speech, many of which are Google Innovation Rules, to key opportunities/challenges across their business. These exercises encourage collaborative brainstorming, rapid ideation, ambitious goal setting, and comfort in sharing ideas.

Why Story Arc Consulting-

Steve Lerch is a keynote speaker and former Google executive. While at Google, Steve served as an Innovation Evangelist and “Noogler Leader.” He taught thousands of employees the cultural principles and team dynamics needed to drive innovation and prioritize new ideas. He’ll bring these strategies and philosophies to your team in a fun and energizing setting.

Workshop Details-

Workshop Rules

  • Everyone in the room should be equally involved and empowered. Your title, team, and tenure are irrelevant for these few hours.

  • Prioritize quantity of ideas over quality. Refinement happens later. A half-baked, crazy idea is better than an unsaid idea.

  • Ask questions and challenge any possible appearance of “that’s the way we do it because that’s how we’ve always done it.”

Example Brainstorming Activities

  • Version 1- Identifying the parts of your business, whether product or process, that are still on “Version1.” A series of brainstorming and sharing activities designed to give your team full license to ask “why do we do XXX the way we do it?” and “Might there be a better way to do XXX and we just haven’t thought of it yet?” The ultimate activity to destroy the notion of doing something a certain way because “that’s the way we’ve always done it”

  • 10X Thinking- Using quantifiable metrics to set impossibly ambitious goals for the business, then working together to describe the scenarios in which these goals would be achievable. As teams work to collaboratively define all the internal and external factors that would have to align for goal achievement, we identify the most important priorities and opportunities to move the business forward

  • Free Time- An opportunity for individuals to openly share personal and professional interests, passions, curiosities. This brings people closer together and fosters natural collaboration, while allowing leadership to better design future projects

Goals and Expected Outcomes

  • Generate a large quantity of new ideas

  • Foster and encourage increased collaboration and a healthy disregard for silos

  • Inspire the team to think more ambitiously, creatively, and to embrace new ideas

  • Give employees the license to challenge the status quo and to openly share ideas

  • Energize, excite, and empower your staff, team, leadership or board

Recent Successful Workshops